Schedules are different ways to organize tickets for an Event.

You can create many Schedules in the same Event Template. For example, you can create separate Schedules for Weekend admission, Weekday admission, one-time events, and special shows. Each of these would represent a separate Event Instance. Each Schedule sells tickets to the same Event, but specifies different hours and prices.

Schedules are a crucial part of an Event Template; you cannot sell tickets to an Event without creating a Schedule. For more on Event Templates vs. Individual Schedules, see Event Templates.

Standard vs. General Admission

Events can be assigned one of two kinds of Schedules: Standard and General Admission. Standard Schedules are for events (both one-time and recurring) that take place at a specific time. General Admission Schedules are for events that transpire over the course of an entire day.

For example, a tour that begins at 10am every day would use a Standard Schedule, while a museum that is open from 9am to 5pm would use a General Admission Schedule.

Creating a Schedule

  1. Click the Schedules and Resourcing tab in your Event Template
  2. Use the drop-down menu to select the type of Schedule you want.
  3. Click "+Add new".
  4. Give your Schedule a Name (e.g. "Weekday General Admission", "May 5 Special Lecture"). This can be helpful if you create multiple Schedules in the same Event Template.
  5. Fill out the Times tab.

Times Tab

  • Occurs: this specifies the days when this Event Instance will take place: One-Time, Daily (if every day), Weekly (if once or more per week), or Monthly (if less than once per week). Weekly and Monthly give you further options.
  • Effective: this designates the Start Date and End Date of this Event Instance.
    Note: The "Indefinite" option can be checked if you wish to schedule a year's worth of event instances. This feature will not automatically add new instances over time however. 
  • Capacity: this specifies the total number of tickets available.
    • If you've chosen a Standard Schedule:
      • Duration: sets the length of the Event.
      • Start Time: specifies when the Event will begin. "Occurrence(s)" lets you set the number of times this Event will occur, for each Start Time. Click to add more Occurrences.
      • Example: you offer a Tour at 9:00am and 11:00am. The 9:00 tour is offered as three simultaneous tours (i.e. you have three Tour Guides), and the 11:00am tour is offered as two simultaneous tours. To specify this, you enter "9:00am" as the Start Time and "3" in Occurrences. You add another Occurrence, and enter "11:00am" and "2" in Occurrences.
    • If you've chosen a General Admission schedule:
      • Hours: specifies the Event's starting and ending times.
  • Flex Pay: this allows POS operators to manually override the price of the event. This can be useful in pay-what-you-wish or donations-based admission events. If enabled, "Flex Pay" will be configured at a later step in the Event Template creation process. (See Flex Pay, Add-ons, and Exceptions.)
  • Sales Channel: specifies the channels through which tickets for this will be sold. (See Sales Channels.)
  • Exceptions: this lets you apply Blackout Dates (days like Christmas or Thanksgiving), and/or prohibit events that occur outside of opening hours. These Blackout Dates are specified in your Company Profile. (You can see them here by clicking on "See holidays & exceptions"). To enable exceptions:
    1. Click "Edit exceptions".
    2. Select the exceptions you'd like to enable.
    3. Click "Commit exceptions".

After filling these out, click "Save & Continue" and a number of new tabs will appear.

Pricing Tab

This is where you set the Pricing for your Schedule.

There are two ways to specify pricing: you can use a new Price List, or you can use the default Price List (the one you set in your Event Template) and change the prices on it. Which option you choose will depend on what kind of Event Instance this Schedule will be used for.

For example, if you're using this Schedule for "Weekend Guests", you may want to keep the default Price List (which will contain the same Ticket Types as your standard Price List), but assign different prices to the Ticket Types. If you're using this Schedule for a "Special Lecture", however, you may want to use a different set of Ticket Types. In this case, you'll use a different Price List.

Here's how you set the pricing for your Schedule:

  1. Select the Price List you want from the drop-down menu.
  2. Double-click the "Description" of any ticket type to change the description. Click away to save the change.
  3. Double-click the "Price" of any ticket type to change its price. Click away to save the change.
  4. Select the desired Sales Channels for each Ticket Type. (To learn about Sales Channels, click here)
  5. Click "Save" in the upper right of the screen.

Resources Tab

This is where you add Resources. To learn more about resources, click here.

The "Resources" tab allows you to add Personnel, Facilities and Equipment required to produce an event. These resources must be configured in the Resources module to enable their selection during the event template creation process. The process to configure Personnel, Facilities and Equipment is the same for each resource type:

  1. Click "+Resource Request". (NOTE: "+Resource Before" and "+Resource After" have the same functionality as "+Resource Request". We recommend simply using "+Resource Request")
  2. In the window that pops up, enter:
    • Category: specify whether you're looking for "People", "Places", or "Equipment".
    • Request for:use the drop-down menu to specify "Type" or "Resource". You can then use the next drop-down menu to choose from the resources you've already created.

      NOTE: you can only assign Resources that have already been created. To learn about creating Resources, visit Create a Resource.

    • Attributes: this field is optional. If your resource is not in the system already, you can describe it here. You can also use this space to clarify your request (e.g. if you're looking for a film screening room, you can put "must seat 200 people" in this field).
    • Timeframe: specify when you need your resource. This time frame is always tied to the timing of Event Instance: you can request your resource any time before or after the Event begins, and call for it to be returned or vacated (or go home, if it's a person!) any time before or after the Event ends. Once you specify a start time, you can also specify a duration instead of a specific ending time.
    • Notes: optional
  3. Click "OK" to add this Resource to your Event Schedule.

Ticket Layouts Tab

This is where you choose how a printed ticket will look. Ticket Layouts are generally managed by ACME. If you have questions, feel free to contact ACME anytime.

Forms Tab

When you add a Form to an Event Schedule, customers will be required to fill out the form anytime they purchase an Event. This can be very useful if you need to collect specialized information from customers. To learn more about Forms, click Forms.

  1. Use the pull-down menu to choose the Form you want to add. (Note: a Form must be published for it to appear here. To learn more, read about Draft Forms vs Published Forms.)
  2. If you'd like to edit the Form, click "Edit Form". This will bring you back to the Form Creator. After you've edited your Form, you have to publish it, then return to the Event Schedule.
  3. On the "POS" line, decide if you'd like the Form to appear on the POS, and if it should be required. If you click "yes" for "Require", the Form will have to be filled out during checkout on the POS. If you click "no", the POS will still offer the option to fill out the form, but it will not be mandatory.
  4. On the "Website (B2C)" line, you can decide whether the Form should display on the B2C site or not.
  5. Click "Save" to save your changes.

Save & Close

When you're done with all of these, click "Save & Close" in the upper right of the screen. This puts you back in your main Event Template.

Now that you've created a Schedule, click forward to learn about configuring Flex Pay, Add-ons, and Exceptions. Or you can simply Publish your Event!