The Events data set contains fields pertaining to the event object in ACME. Resource data associated with an event can be retrieved through the Event data set. For details about orders booked for an event, refer to the Transaction Data Set

TenantGroupACME Internal Use Only
AvailableQuantityThe number of tickets still available for purchase
CapacityThe total number of visitors the event can handle
EventEndTimeThe time that the event will end
EventIdUnique ID for the event
EventNameThe name of the event
EventScheduleNameThe name of the schedule that created the event
EventStartTimeThe start time of the event
EventTemplateNameThe name of the template/program that created the event
Sold QuantityThe number of tickets sold for this event
EventResourceAttributesAttributes affiliated with a resource type. Values are defined for each resource type (if applicable).
EventResourceCapacityThe maximum number of visitors that the resource can accommodate. For Place resources only.
EventResourceCategoryNameThe type of resource.
  • Personnel
  • Facilities
  • Equipment
EventResourceEndTimeThe time that the resource need will end
EventResourceNameThe name of the resource
EventResourceNotesNotes about the resource
EventResourceOwnerFirstNameThe first name of the resource
EventResourceOwnerLastNameThe last name of the resource
EventResourceStartTimeThe time that the resource need will begin
EventResourceTemplateNameThe template associated with the resource
EventTemplateCustomField1Custom field assigned to the event template.
EventTemplateCustomField2Custom field assigned to the event template.
EventTemplateCustomField3Custom field assigned to the event template.
EventTemplateCustomField4Custom field assigned to the event template.
EventTemplateCustomField5Custom field assigned to the event template.
EventCustomField1Custom field assigned to the event.
EventCustomField2Custom field assigned to the event.
EventCustomField3Custom field assigned to the event.
EventCustomField4Custom field assigned to the event.
EventCustomField5Custom field assigned to the event.