An Add-on is anything you can sell that isn't a ticket. Add-ons can include physical items (hats, shirts, books), charges not related to attendance (tour fees, speaker fees), or other offerings (room rentals, dues, subscriptions, memberships, vouchers for other attractions).

Note: Stand-alone Add-on sales (i.e. purchasing an Add-on without also purchasing a ticket) are allowed only at the POS. Other Sales Channels (eCommerce, Back Office) require an Event to be added to a transaction before an Add-on can be added.


Creating a New Add-on

Creating a new Add-on is very straightforward. Before you begin, we encourage you to sit down and think about the Add-ons that are necessary to run your business effectively. If you need help, ACME Client Services and Product Support can help you brainstorm ideas.

  1. Log in to the ACME Back Office.
  2. Click on "Add-ons" in the left navigation panel.
  3. Click "New Add-on" in the upper right corner.
  4. In the popup window, enter:
    • Add-on Name: the name of the Add-on (e.g. "Audio Guide").
    • Description: a description of the Add-on (e.g. "A 1-hour recorded tour of the collection").
    • SKU: currently not in use.
    • Price: the price of the Add-on. You do not need to add a dollar sign. (i.e. entering "24.75" will be recorded as "$24.75".) Add-ons must be a positive value; negative amounts are not allowed.
    • Add-on Type: You have four options here:
      • Standard with ticket: this type of Add-on can only be purchased with a ticket. This generally includes things like Audio Tours.
      • Standard no ticket: this type of Add-on can be purchased without a ticket. This generally includes things like Parking passes or brochures. NOTE: Stand-alone Add-ons like these can only be purchased at the POS.
      • Membership Card Replacement Fee: if you use membership cards, adding this can be useful.
  5. Click on the Sales Channels through which you'd like the Add-on to be sold. Selected Sales Channels will be green, and have a checkmark next to them. To learn about the different sales channels, click here.
  6. Click "Create Add-on".

Note: If you need more than one price for the same item, you will need to create a multiple Add-ons.

Editing an Add-on

Every field in the Add-on creation menu is editable. Changes are immediate, and will be immediately reflected in your Events.

  1. Log in to the ACME Back Office.
  2. Click on "Add-ons" in the left navigation panel.
  3. Click "Edit" next to the Add-on you'd like to edit.
  4. Click in any of the fields to change them.
  5. Click "Update Add-on" to save your changes.

Removing an Existing Add-on

  1. Log in to the ACME Back Office.
  2. Click on "Add-ons" in the left navigation panel.
  3. Click "Remove" next to the Add-on you'd like to edit.

Adding an Add-on to an Event Template

To add Add-ons to your Event Template:

  1. In your Event Template, click the Add-ons tab.
  2. Use the drop-down menu to select the Add-on you want to add to your Event.
  3. Click "Add Inventory".
  4. Choose the Sales Channels in which you want to make your Add-on available.

    Note: Stand-alone Add-on sales (i.e. purchasing an Add-on without also purchasing a ticket) are only allowed at the POS. Other Sales Channels require an Event to be added to a transaction before an Add-on can be added.

  5. To add another Add-on, repeat steps 2-4.
  6. To remove an Add-on from the list, click "Remove" in the list of Add-ons.