SALEData from Sales and Orders.
TenantGroupACME Internal Use
AccountNameThe name of the reseller or group account
BillingEmaileMail of the person paying for the order, if it's a group or reseller order.
BillingFirstNameFirst name of the person paying for the order
BillingLastNameLast name of the person paying for the order
BillingPhoneNumberPhone number of the person paying for the order
CheckInStatusString representation of the checked in status for the ticket items on order, one of  (blank, CheckedIn or PartiallyCheckedIn)
ContactFirstNameFirst name of the person that placed the order
ContactLastNameLast name of the person that placed the order
DiscountedTotalAmountThe discounted amount of the order
EmaileMail of the person that made the order.
LastExternalChargeIdThe id of the last external credit card process
LastPaymentIdThe id of the last payment placed on this order
LastPaymentMethodThe method of the last payment for this order.
OrderBalanceAmountThe remaining amount to be paid.
OrderCreationDateThe date that the order was created
OrderCreationQueuedDateThe date the order was created
OrderNotesNotes for this order
OrderNumberUnique order number for this order
PaymentStatusThe Payment Status of this order
PhoneNumberPhone number of the person making the order
PosUUIDUUID that the PoS used to process this order.
TotalAddonsTotal number of Add-Ons
TotalAmountTotal amount of the sale
TotalPaidAmountTotal amount paid
TotalTicketsTotal amount of tickets sold
ConversionStatusIf the ticket was converted to a membership
EventGLCodeReturns Event GL Code field data
EventIdUnique ID for the event
EventNameThe name of the event
EventStartTimeThe time that the event starts/started
OrderItemQuantityNumber of Order Items for this Item Type
OrderItemIDJoin reports with Transactions which have the corresponding ID for all items purchased (e.g. Adult Tickets, Senior Tickets, Family Memberships, etc.)
QuantityThe number of these tickets on the order
TicketAmountReturns the line item Amount of Ticket Type and Add-on line items
TicketTypeThe name of the ticket type  i.e. Adult, Child, Senior...
EventResourceCapacityThe maximum capacity that this resource can handle
EventResourceCategoryNameThe type of resource this is
EventResourceNameThe name of the individual resource
EventResourceOwnerFirstNameThe first name of the resource
EventResourceOwnerLastNameThe last name of the resource
EventResourceTemplateNameThe name of the type of resource
EventTemplateCustomField1Custom field assigned to the event template.
EventTemplateCustomField2Custom field assigned to the event template.
EventTemplateCustomField3Custom field assigned to the event template.
EventTemplateCustomField4Custom field assigned to the event template.
EventTemplateCustomField5Custom field assigned to the event template.
EventCustomField1Custom field assigned to the event.
EventCustomField2Custom field assigned to the event.
EventCustomField3Custom field assigned to the event.
EventCustomField4Custom field assigned to the event.
EventCustomField5Custom field assigned to the event.