This page will describe what to check if you are not seeing the correct ACME Levels/Offerings appear when trying to Purchase, Renew, Upgrade, Downgrade, or Rejoin a membership.  


First, you need to understand the difference between Channel Transaction Policy vs. Lifecycle Actions. If you are looking at a Membership and are not seeing the level/offerings you expect as choices in the list when trying to Purchase, Renew, Upgrade, Downgrade, or Rejoin, always check the settings below to make sure that any missing level/offering is properly selected.  

Go to the Membership tab in Back Office, navigate to Membership Level → Offering and then you will see 2 tabs next to the Offering Details.

Channel Transaction Policy

For the membership level/offering that you are looking at, this sets the sale channels it will be available for purchase. This answers the question “Can someone with a Gold membership upgrade to a new level on POS?”

Lifecycle Actions

For members who already have the level/offering you are looking at, this sets what can they do and when. Are they allowed to upgrade? If so, when in their term are they allowed to upgrade? It lets you say “Gold members can only upgrade their membership (new level, same expiration date) between the start through month 5, but they can upgrade-renew (new level, new expiration date) their membership between months 6 and when it expires”.

Every offering that you want to be able to transact needs to have the 'NEW' lifecycle action configured under the "lifecycle action" tab.  Even if you don't want this offering to be sold for new memberships, you still need to set this lifecycle action. You can configure the offering to not be available for new membership sales under the "channel transaction policy" tab.

After checking the lifecycle action settings, make sure to refer back to the member’s start and expiration date to see if the period they are currently in on their term matches what they are allowed to do according to the Lifecycle Actions you set. 

  • For example, if Membership 1234 started 1 month ago, they would not be able to standard renew, according to the above example.  

If upgrade/downgrade options are not appearing as expected, make sure to check that you have the right upgrade/downgrade rules configured. To see the upgrade/downgrade rules, navigate to Back Office → Membership → Rules → Upgrade/Downgrade tab (see below).  

See the Configuring Lifecycle Actions and Membership Rules article for more detailed instructions.

From here you can navigate to the level that you need to check, and see what levels are available for upgrades or downgrades. Click the 'Edit' button to change or update any settings.


We also recommend checking all sales channels. If the level/offering you expect to see isn’t appearing on one sale channel but it is on another, it’s likely a “Channel Transaction Policy” issue. If the level/offering you expect to see isn’t appearing on any sale channel then it’s likely a “Lifecycle Action” or “Upgrade/Downgrade Rules” issue.  

Other common issues:

In the case that a Membership was imported from an outside CRM (ie Raisers Edge) and was not mapped to an ACME Level/Offering. In this situation, ACME does not know what rules to apply, so it will not be able to offer any eligible options for the user to purchase. Click here for instructions on resolving an unmapped membership.