
ACME Back Office offers a configurable setting to block users from editing am event template while edits are currently in progress. This can be helpful to reduce unwanted edits or publishes from multiple users editing at the same time. Additionally, a timer can be configured to "lock" an event template from editing for a specified amount of time.

Enabling the Feature

In the Administration menu of Backoffice Settings, the option for Enforce exclusive event template editing can be toggled on (yes) as shown below 

When the toggle is set to Yes, a new option appears to configure the amount of time the template will remain locked from editing. Be sure to select Update Backoffice (B2B) at the top of the screen to save any changes. 

Locking and Unlocking Event Templates

When this feature is enabled, a user with event_edit permissions can start to edit a template as they normally would. If a new user attempts to simultaneously edit the same template, they will be presented with a message that the event is now locked for editing. If the editing user leaves the event template without selecting the Close button first, the lock out timer will engage for the specified amount of time. The event Template will be unlocked for editing once any of the following conditions are met

  • The editing user selects the Close button on the event template to exit the editor mode. 
  • The specified amount of time for the lockout timer elapses.
  • The setting is disabled in the Administration menu of Backoffice Settings.