
Suspended events allow users to make changes to ongoing schedules while also safe guarding events that have already been booked with at least one order. With this feature, Event Admins can customize when and where certain events are available for additional sales even if the rest of the events in your schedule have been edited.

When schedule edits cause an event instance with orders to become suspended, it is automatically removed from all sales channels except for manual entry. 

Using Suspended Events

Events can be suspended in a number of ways when tickets have already been sold, such as:  

  • Changing the admission type between GA and Standard
  • Editing a time slot (ie changing it from 2:00 to 2:30)
  • Removing a time slot (ie removing the 5:00 time)
  • Removing a day of the week
  • Shortening the schedule end date
  • Adding a holiday exception to your company calendar

For example: you have an hourly admission schedule, running at the top of every hour, and these events have been on sale for a week. After a week, you realize you need to remove one of the time slots; however, you have already sold tickets into that time slot on some days. You should:

  • Remove the time slot from the schedule and re-publish.
  • Events that did not have ticket sales against them will be removed from your sales channels as if they never existed.
  • Events that did have ticket sales against them will be flagged as "suspended" and removed from Web and Point of Sale sales channels.  

The visual indicator for suspended events will allow you to isolate the affected events and choose your next steps - for example: rebook the orders and cancel the event, or turn the sales channel(s) back on if enough people have booked a specific instance.

Identifying Suspended Events

There are a number of alerts and indicators across the platform that will help you understand when you have a suspended event:

  • On the events list
  • On the event instance page (view and edit mode)
  • On the order details page
  • When adding tickets to an order for a suspended event in Back Office or Point of Sale

On the Events List, suspended events will have a yellow triangle warning sign in the "TYPE" column: Suspended Event

You can filter for Suspended Events on the Events List in the "Status" drop down. By default they will always be shown in the Active view.  

You can also filter on the calendar view to see an entire month's worth of suspended events at once. (Don't forget to click "Search" after filtering on this view, as the behavior is different than filtering on the events list.)

Other things to know about Suspended Events:

  • Since the master schedule was either edited or deleted to create suspended events, re-linking to the template will not work for all fields. Same applies to publishing updates at the template level - fields at the schedule level will not all flow down to suspended events. Please treat these events as de-linked from the schedule and handle them accordingly.
  • If you try to sell tickets in Back Office to a Suspended event, the user will receive an alert letting them know the event is Suspended and asking if they want to continue. 
  • If you try to add tickets to an order for a Suspended event in Order Management at POS or Back Office, we will also alert the user and confirm that they want to continue.

"I have suspended events. What's next?"

Once an event with orders has been suspended, its instances are automatically removed from sales channels, giving you time to assess how you'd like to proceed. This gives you the opportunity to:

  • Quickly search for and identify any orders for events which have been removed from the schedule
  • Rebook orders before cancelling suspended event instances
  • Turn sales channels back on for any instances you'd wish to keep on sale 
    • Depending on the edits that you made, you may also need to adjust capacity across the day's instances to prevent overselling

If an event ever becomes suspended by mistake, the user need only reverse the schedule changes that caused the suspension, and update that event's sales channels, to restore that event's availability for sales.