11.8.0  Release

Production Release Date: December 1, 2020

Platforms: Back Office, eCommerce, ACME Sales (POS), Access Control (AC)

Release Type: Minor

Downtime: None

Environments for Testing: Sand10 and AC Sandbox 11.8.0 and POS Sandbox 11.8.0


Gift Membership Address Collection

Addresses for membership gift givers are now collected via the ACME eCommerce site!  The address fields are required and for ease of use, auto-fill in the billing address when continuing to payment. Of course if needed, the buyer can change the billing address. For those using Import/Export, the gift giver address is included in the export in the membership_buyer fields. 

Improved Experience for International Buyers 

Address Collection: 'State/Province' field

We have improved the buying process for international buyers on eCommerce and Back Office by only requiring the state/province field when the country is set to United States or Canada. For all other countries, this field is optional.

International phone numbers

We have added support for international phone number formats that are only 9 digits, across Back Office as well as on the eCommerce site.

Updated Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions

We have made updates to the ACME Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions documents to account for international customers.

Enhancements for International Markets

ACME Support for the New Zealand market

We are expanding our ability to support clients internationally by upgrading our Stripe integration and adding a new Chip Card Reader device for clients in New Zealand.  

Default country selection

We have updated the eCommerce site and ACME Back Office such that when the user encounters a country picklist, the tenant's country will be the default selection for the picklist. The tenant's country is now set via a picklist as well, in ACME Back Office under company profile. This will help to streamline usability and optimize for the majority of use cases across the platform.

Date and Time formats in Back Office now honor the user's preference

The date and time formats displayed in ACME Back Office will now honor your personal preference set under Settings -> My Profile -> Date format & Time format. These are found throughout Back Office, such as the Events list, Orders list, the Member Details pages, and Reporting. Please note: There are some date pickers that have not been updated, which you will be able to identify as they have date format help text underneath the fields reminding the user of the format they follow.


eCommerce performance improvement

We have improved the performance of the eCommerce site related to how the code handles the shopping cart which will result in expanding our eCommerce data center capacity

Security improvement

We have proactively improved the security on the eCommerce site to prevent potential malicious content from being entered into the checkout form fields.

Sendgrid integration

Our Sendgrid integration has been updated to connect via an API key vs. a username and password given the later authentication method is being deprecated by Sendgrid for API access. This will also decouple Sendgrid app access from Sendgrid API access.

Orders API performance

We have made some performance improvements to the v2/b2b/order/summaries api

Apple certification update

We are updating the Apple iOS certificates for the Acme Sales POS and Access Control applications to keep them running on iOS devices. We do this to stay in compliance with Apple development requirements.

CORS Checkout API

In order to improve the management of reducing fraudulent card payments coming from online flows, we will be updating the CORS checkout API to require a reCAPTCHA token. In order to keep the CORS integration working, you will need to start passing an ACME reCAPTCHA token to ACME if not already.  

Bug Fixes

Date displayed for international buyers in UTC+ timezones

We have fixed an issue where the date displayed at the top of the Event List page and Event Details page would appear in an unformatted style if the user is in a timezone that is UTC+ (ie Paris, France) and they canceled their order when on the cart page.

New tenant registration zip code format 

When registering a tenant for the first time in ACME Back Office, the registration flow now allows for the use of alpha-numeric (international) postal codes.

Import/Export Tool

We have added logging in order to help eliminate the occurrences of an ACME I/O error when doing small imports from time to time

New and Updated Knowledge Articles 

"Invalid Account" error when attempting a refund (There is an updated process for requesting a refund for orders with an Invalid Account error.)

Event Cancelations and Unexpected Closures

New Zealand Market Support on Stripe

GetYourGuide Integration Setup Guide

Hardware Setup Guide for IT & Visitor Services

Note: To ensure Back Office updates are as seamless as possible, we recommend performing a hard refresh of your internet browser after a release is deployed. In some cases, you may also need to reset your browser's data cache including any saved cookies and related browsing data. Please contact support@acmeticketing.com if you experience any issues after a release.