Orders placed in ACME automatically trigger a confirmation email to the Order Contact via SendGrid. Order updates and cancellations will also trigger emails to be sent. SendGrid handles the email triggered by ACME until it reaches the recipient's email server. Once it is connected to that email server, the customer's email provider handles final delivery to their inbox (or spam box, or other filters; see this SendGrid article about Email messages with the “Delivered” status are not received).


Checking Email Delivery Status

An order's email delivery status can be viewed on the "Email Status" tab of the Order Summary (set in Administration>Email when SendGrid tracking is turned on):

For more information about resending order confirmation emails, please see our guide on Sending an Email Confirmation for an ACME Order.

SendGrid Statuses and their Meanings

StatusAdditional Info
ProcessedMessage has been received and is ready to be delivered.
DeliveredMessage has been successfully delivered to the receiving server. This status does not guarantee that the email was placed in the recipient’s inbox.
OpenedRecipient has opened the HTML message. You need to enable Open Tracking for getting this type of event (set in Administration>Email when SendGrid tracking is turned on).
DeferredRecipient’s email server temporarily rejected message (sometimes called a soft bounce). SendGrid will continue to attempt delivery for 72 hours; after 72 hours, the deferral turns into a block.
DroppedThis informs your system when an email has been dropped or blocked (for example, if the account has unsubscribed previously, or a spam filter blocks it).
BouncedReceiving server could not or would not accept message. Bounces often are caused by outdated or incorrectly entered email addresses.
Spam ReportRecipient marked message as spam.
UnsubscribeIndicates that an email has unsubscribed from mailings from your organization.
ClickedIf click tracking is enabled, this status indicates that the recipient clicked on a link within the message. Click tracking is not available with ACME-generated emails.

New! Fields for Monitoring Emails

Expose these fields in the Email Status area by using the hamburger menu in the top right corner of the results table to edit the columns displayed.

Column Name
Response code (Sendgrid)The code that represents the result of the initial send to Sendgrid.
Response message (Sendgrid)The message that represents the result of the initial send to Sendgrid.
Delivered On **The date when the email was delivered.
Response message ID (Sendgrid)**This is the Message ID field in Sendgrid, and can be used to search for an email inside Sendgrid.
Status reason**More detailed information about the Status.

**If you are sending custom emails through your own SendGrid account, you must enable the Event Webhook in SendGrid for these fields to be populated with status changes. See "Prerequisite" section in the SendGrid Integration Setup Guide for details.

In addition, the fields below will only get populated if you are using the SendGrid Integration to override the ACME default for that particular email type. Expose these fields using the hamburger menu to edit the columns displayed.

Column Name
Account (Sendgrid)

Will show either the venue’s name or it will be empty if sent through ACME’s default email

Template ID

The Dynamic Template ID from Sendgrid if configured to override ACME’s default email

Further Reading