Below are possible errors that can occur during the validation step of an import job. The errors are grouped by type and sorted by frequency of occurrence.

Error messages can appear in any of the import stages (Stage, Validate or Import). A single record row in the import file may also be referenced by multiple errors.  Make sure to check the log before moving to the next step. Details about Staging and Import error messages can be found in the following articles:


Duplicate Values 

Error MessageDescription
<FILE NAME> : Duplicate IDs on Rows <Number, Number>.The given row numbers contain duplicate id values.
Duplicated IDs on Rows  X, Y, Z.Rows X, Y, Z have the same value for customer id. 
Duplicated IDs on Rows X, Y, Z.Rows X, Y, Z have the same value for item id. 
Duplicated IDs on Rows X, Y, Z.Rows X, Y, and Z have the same value for Organization ID.

Resolution for Duplicate Values errors

The field referenced in the error code has the same value in more than one row. Only one row of data will be imported and the rest rejected. Identify which record correctly corresponds to the data point and either remove the other rows or change their duplicate values to new values to resolve the issue.

Formatting Issues

Error Message
'<card_expiry_date>' should be of format yyyy-mm-dd HH:mm:ss.The card_expiry_date value is in the incorrect date format.
'<card_start_date>' should be of format yyyy-mm-dd HH:mm:ss.The card_start_date value is in the incorrect date format.
'<event_start_date>' should be of format yyyy-mm-dd HH:mm:ss.The event_start_date value is in the incorrect date format.
'<membership_expiration_date>' should be of format yyyy-mm-dd HH:mm:ss.The membership_expiration_date value is in the incorrect date format.
'<membership_joined_date>' should be of format yyyy-mm-dd HH:mm:ss.The membership_joined_date value is in the incorrect date format.
'<membership_start_date>' should be of format yyyy-mm-dd HH:mm:ss.The membership_start_date value is in the incorrect date format.
MembershipCards.csv: card_expiry_date cannot be earlier than card_start_dateMembership expiration date should never be earlier than membership start date.

Resolution for Formatting Issues

Correct the format for the row in question.

Misaligned Values

Error Message
MembershipCards.csv: card_expiry_date cannot be earlier than card_start_dateMembership expiration date should never be earlier than membership start date.

Resolution for Misaligned Values

The membership dates are out of alignment. Correct the membership expiration date to have the membership expire after it starts.

Missing Data - Required Field

Error Message
Addresses: id should have a value.The id value is missing. 
Address is invalidThe address is missing zipcode and country.  (need at least one of them)
Contacts: Should contain at least one contact information, email or phone.The customer should contain at least one of these: email or phone.
Customers: first_name should have a value.The first_name value is missing.
Customers: id should have a value.The id value is missing.
Customers: import_id should have a value.The import_id value is missing.
Customers: last_name should have a value.The last_name value is missing.
Customers: Should contain at least one contact information. Email, Phone, or Primary Address.The customer must contain at least one of the following: email, phone, or primary address.
first_name should have a valueThe first_name value in the Customer csv is missing.
id should have a value.The id value in the Customer csv is missing.
id should have a value.The id value is missing.
last_name should have a valueThe last_name value in the Customer csv is missing.
MembershipCards: barcode should have a value.The barcode field in the Membership Cards csv file is missing for this row.
MembershipCards: card_start_date should have a value.The card_start_date field in the Membership Cards csv file is missing for this row.
MembershipCards: card_start_date should have a value.The card_start_date value is missing.
MembershipCards: id should have a value.The id value is missing.
MembershipCards: membership_id should have a value.The membership_id field in the Membership Cards csv file is missing for this row.
Memberships: id should have a value.The id value is missing.
Memberships: membership_expiration_date should have a value.The membership_expiration_date value is missing.
Memberships: membership_import_id should have a valueThe membership_import_id value is missing.
Memberships: membership_joined_date should have a value.The membership_joined_date value is missing.
Memberships: membership_start_date should have a value.The membership_start_date value is missing.
Memberships: standing should have a value.The standing value is missing.
name should have a value.The name value is missing.
OrganicationContacts: type should have a value.The type value is missing.
OrganizationAddresses: address_id should have a value.The address_id value is missing.
OrganizationAddresses: id should have a value.The id value is missing.
OrganizationAddresses: organization_id should have a value.The organization_id value is missing.
OrganizationAddresses: type should have a value.The type value is missing.
OrganizationContacts: address id should have a value.The address_id value is missing.
OrganizationContacts: contact_id should have a value.The contact_id value is missing.
OrganizationContacts: id should have a value.The id value is missing.
OrganizationContacts: organization_id should have a value.The organization_id value is missing.
Organizations: external_import_id should have a value.The external_import_id value is missing.
Organizations: id should have a value.The id value is missing.
Organizations: name should have a value.The name value is missing.
program_name should have a value.The program_name value in the Items csv is missing.
status should have a value.The status value is missing.

Resolution for Missing Data - Required Field Errors

Add a value to the field for the specified row.

Missing Data - Other

Error MessageDescription & Resolution
Customers: primary_address_id '<ID>' is referencing to an Address which does not exist.The primary_address_id value in the Customer csv is referencing an id that does not exist in the Address csv.

An address ID is present with no address information. Include address information or remove the ID from the row.
Standing must be of new, lapsed, dropped, active, replaced, noMembership, not <VALUE FROM FILE>The value for standing must be either new, lapsed, dropped, active, replaced, or noMembership.

The membership must have one of these specific standings. If there is no standing provided or the standing is not one of the ones listed, update the field value.

Missing Reference Errors - Does not exist

Error Message
Description & Resolution
billing_address_id '<ID>' is referencing to an Address which does not exist.The billing_address_id value in the Customer csv is referencing an id that does not exist in the Addresses csv.

An address ID is present with no address information. Include address information or remove the ID from the row.
customer_id '<ID>' is referencing to an Customer which does not exist.The customer_id value in the Membership csv is referencing an id in the Customer csv that does not exist.

The record in the membership file is trying to reference its pair in the customer file but the pair is not present. Add the customer record to the customer file.
Membership refers to customer that does not exist.The Membership csv references a customer that does not exist in the Customers csv.

The record in the membership file is trying to reference its pair in the customer file but the pair is not present. Add the customer record to the customer file.
membership_id '<ID>' is referencing to an Membership which does not exist.The membership_id value in the Membership Card csv is referencing an id in the Membership csv that does not exist.

The membership card in the membership file is trying to reference to the membership but the IDs do not match. Ensure the membership card is correctly referencing the membership.
MembershipCards.csv: membership_id '<VALUE FROM FILE>' is referencing a Membership which does not exist.The membership_id value from the Membership Cards csv is referencing a Membership that does not exist.

The membership card in the membership file is trying to reference to the membership but the IDs do not match. Ensure the membership card is correctly referencing the membership.
organization_id '<ID>' is referencing to an Organization which does not exist.The organization_id value in the Membership csv is referencing an id in the Organization csv that does not exist.

The record in the membership file is trying to reference its pair in the organization file but the pair is not present. Add the organization record to the customer file.
primary_address_id '<ID>' is referencing to an Address which does not exist.The primary_address_id value in the Customer csv is referencing an id that does not exist in the Addresses csv.

The primary address does not contain the required fields. Add data to the address fields to populate the full address.
Memberships.csv: membership should have at least one membership card.The membership trying to be imported must have at least one membership card in the Membership Cards csv.

The membership is missing cardholder information entirely. Ensure at least one membership card is imported with the overall membership record.

Missing Reference Errors - Primary Flag

Error MessageDescription & Resolution
Multiple primary contacts are designated in the file but only one primary contact is allowed per Organization.Only one contact can be designated as a primary contact.

An organization has more than one contact labeled as the primary. Ensure all but one contact are listed as secondary.
There is no primary contact designated in the file. Organizations require a primary contact.No contact address marked as a primary with values Primary, Yes or True.

Organizations can have a Billing Address and Primary Address in ACME. One of the addresses must be marked as the primary address in the import file. Specify one of the addresses to be the primary.
type should be one of these value('Primary', 'Secondary')The address type must be either 'Primary' or 'Secondary'.

Contacts can have a Billing Address and Primary Address in ACME. One of the addresses must be marked as the primary address in the import file. Specify one of the addresses to be the primary.
Membership must have one primary card. The membership was not imported.For Individual Memberships Primary cardholder is required.

The membership does not have any cardholder that is flagged as the primary A membership record must have a primary cardholder in order to be successfully imported. Change one of the cardholders to be the primary.

Character Length Errors


Error MessageDescription
barcode '<barcode>' should be less than 20 characters.The barcode value must be less than 32 characters.
card_name'<CARD_NAME>' should be less than 255 characters.The card_name value must be less than 255 characters.
category_name '<category_name>' should be less than 255 characters.The category_name value must be less than 255 characters.
category_name should have a value.The category_name value in the Items csv is missing.
city is too long, must be 255 or lessThe city value must be less than 255 characters.
country is too long, must be 255 or lessThe country value must be less than 255 characters.
email should be less than 32 characters.The email value must be less than 32 characters.
first_name should be less than 255 characters.The first_name value must be less than 255 characters.
id '<ID>' should be less than 20 characters.The id value must be less than 20 characters.
id '<ID>' should be less than 20 characters.The id value must be less than 20 characters.
id '<ID>' should be less than 20 characters.The customer_id value must be less than 20 characters.
ID is too long, must be 20 or lessThe id value must be less than 20 characters.
id should be less than 20 characters.The id value must be less than 20 characters.
id should be less than 20 characters.The id value must be less than 20 characters.
last_name should be less than 255 characters.The last_name value must be less than 255 characters.
middle_name should be less than 255 characters.The middle_name value must be less than 255 characters.
name should be less than 255 characters.The name value must be less than 255 characters.
phone should be less than 32 characters.The phone value must be less than 32 characters.
phone should be less than 32 characters.The phone value must be less than 32 characters.
program_name '<program_name>' should be less than 255 characters.The program_name value must be less than 255 characters.
street_address1 is too long, must be 2048 or lessThe street_address1 value must be less than 2048 characters.
street_address2 is too long, must be 2048 or lessThe street_address2 value must be less than 2048 characters.
suburb is too long, must be 255 or lessThe suburb value must be less than 255 characters.
website should be less than 2048 characters.The website value must be less than 2048 characters.
zipcode is too long, must be 255 or lessThe zipcode value must be less than 255 characters.
state is too long, must be 255 or lessThe state value must be less than 255 characters.

Resolution for character length errors

Reduce the character length of the data for the row references.

Related: Import Error Messages - Staging Step