1.108.2 ACME Managed Package

Production Release DateWednesday, March 29, 2023

Platforms: SF Managed Package

Release Type: Minor

Downtime: None


"IsLatest" Flag visible in Salesforce

This package update brings a very exciting, much desired new field to Salesforce! ACME will now be sending the "IsLatest" flag to Memberships in Salesforce so you can more easily determine which membership record is the most current version. 

Once the package is installed, you will need to add the new field, called "Latest Version" in SF, to your layout(s)- instructions on how to do so are below. Initially, the field will default to unchecked for all membership versions in SF. The value will update the next time an "IsLatest" membership record syncs from ACME to SF. As the new Latest Version field in SF syncs in the ACME to SF direction  only, there will be no changes to process for refunds or data fix requests.

Package Installation

How to Install the Package

STEP 1:  Install the package

STEP 2:  Make sure the package is available for all users 

Once installation is complete, you can follow the process below to add the new fields to your page layouts.

Adding the new "Latest Version" field to layouts

After the package is installed, your SF Admin can update the necessary layouts to include this new field.