Membership activity. Use this to see how memberships are performing over time.

AuxiliaryGroupNameAuxiliary Membership Grouping Name
AuxiliaryMembershipAuxiliary Membership Level
BaseMembershipExpirationDateMembership Expiration Date
BaseMembershipLevelNameMembership Level Name
BaseMembershipNumberMembership ID Number
BaseMembershipOfferingNameMembership offering name 
BaseMembershipSourceThe source of the Membership record
BaseMembershipStartDateThe start date for the particular membership term
CancelTransactionDateDate the membership term was canceled
CancelTransactionLifecycleActionThe last lifecycle action that occurred before the membership was canceled
CancelTransactionPriceThe amount to be refunded with a membership cancelation

The configured price point of the Membership Offering that is being canceled

CancelTransactionSourceThe source or sale channel that triggered the cancelation
CardAcmeBarcodeThe ACME generated barcode for a particular card holder
CardCustomerBillingCityBilling City of card holder
CardCustomerBillingCountryBilling Country of card holder
CardCustomerBillingStateBilling State of card holder
CardCustomerBillingStreetAddress1Billing Street Address 1 of card holder
CardCustomerBillingStreetAddress2Billing Street Address 2 of card holder
CardCustomerBillingSuburbBilling Suburb or region of the card holder
CardCustomerBillingZipBilling Zip Code of card holder
CardCustomerDeceasedIf the card holder is marked as deceased
CardCustomerEmailEmail address of of card holder
CardCustomerExternalIdThe enteral ID number for a card holder
CardCustomerExternalImportIdThe Import ID number for a card holder
CardCustomerFirstNameFirst Name of card holder
CardCustomerIdThe ID of a customer record associated with a card holder
CardCustomerLastNameLast Name of card holder
CardCustomerPhoneNotesMisc notes associated with a card holder record
CardCustomerPhoneNumberPhone Number of card holder
CardCustomerPrefixcard holder's selected Prefix
CardCustomerPrimaryCityCity of the customer record associated with a card holder
CardCustomerPrimaryCountryCountry of the customer record associated with a card holder
CardCustomerPrimaryStateState of the customer record associated with a card holder
CardCustomerPrimaryStreetAddress1Street Address 1 of the customer record associated with a card holder
CardCustomerPrimaryStreetAddress2Street Address 2 of the customer record associated with a card holder
CardCustomerPrimarySuburbSuburb or territory of the customer record associated with a card holder
CardCustomerPrimaryZipZip code of the customer record associated with a card holder
CardCustomerSuffixName Suffix of the customer record associated with a card holder
CardExpirationDateThe Expiration date for a specific membership card
CardExternalBarcodeExternal barcode for a specific membership card
CardIDUnique ID of the membership card
CardImportIdThe Import ID for a specific membership card
CardLastVersionThe value for the last or previous version of a membership card
CardNameThe name on a membership card
CardStandingCurrent status of the card
CardStartDateDate card became valid
CardTypeType of Membership card
GifterCustomerNumberThe Customer ID for a Membership Gifter
GifterEmailEmail Address for a Membership Gifter
GifterExternalIdThe external ID for a Membership Gifter
GifterExternalImportIdThe Import ID for a Membership Gifter
GifterFirstNameFirst Name of a Membership Gifter
GifterLastNameLast Name of a Membership Gifter
GifterPhoneNumberPhone Number of a Membership Gifter
GifterPrimaryCityCity of a Membership Gifter
GifterPrimaryCountryCountry of a Membership Gifter
GifterPrimaryStateState of a Membership Gifter
GifterPrimaryStreetAddress1Street Address 1 of a Membership Gifter
GifterPrimaryStreetAddress2Street Address 2 of a Membership Gifter
GifterPrimaryZipZip Code of a Membership Gifter
MembershipDurationLength of membership from start date to end date
MembershipExpirationDateDate of Memberships expiration
MembershipExternalImportIdThe Import ID for a Membership record
MembershipExternalMembershipIdThe external ID for a Membership record
MembershipIsGiftedA Yes or No value for a membership is gifted status
MembershipHouseholdNameThe name of a household associated with a Membership
MembershipIDID of the membership version purchased
MembershipJoinDateDate value for when the member first joined the organization. 
MembershipLastVersionThe value for the last or previous version of their membership
MembershipLevelNameName of the Membership Level
MembershipNotesAny notes that were entered for this membership version in ACME
MembershipNumberNumber assigned to the membership
MembershipOfferingNameName of the Membership Offering
MembershipPricePrice of the membership in ACME
MembershipPricePointNameThe name of the quantifiable item associated with the Membership offering 
MembershipSourceThe Source of a Membership record
MembershipStandingMembership status
MembershipStartDateDate the membership starts
NumberOfCardsNumber of cards on the membership
RE_MembershipAppealImported donor information from Raiser's Edge
RE_MembershipCampaignImported donor information from Raiser's Edge
RE_MembershipCategoryNameImported donor information from Raiser's Edge
RE_MembershipFundImported donor information from Raiser's Edge
RE_MembershipProgramNameImported donor information from Raiser's Edge
RE_MembershipSubCategoryNameImported donor information from Raiser's Edge
TransactionDateDate transaction was processed
TransactionLifecycleActionThe lifecycle action for a membership that occurred with a transaction
TransactionPriceThe transacted price for a membership purchase or lifecycle action
TransactionPricePointThe starting price point for a membership purchase or lifecycle action
TransactionSourceHow the transaction was input into ACME
Auto Renew Subscription Fields
OriginalSubscriptionIDOriginal auto renew subscription identifier
SubscriptionCardBrandSubscription credit card type
SubscriptionCardExpirationDateSubscription credit card expiration date
SubscriptionCardholderNameCard holder name on credit card
SubscriptionCardLastFourDigitsLast four digits on card holder credit card
SubscriptionCustomerBillingAddress1Billing address 1 of card holder
SubscriptionCustomerBillingAddress2Billing address 2 of card holder
SubscriptionCustomerBillingCItyBilling city of card holder
SubscriptionCustomerBillingCountryBilling country of card holder
SubscriptionCustomerBillingStateBilling state of card holder
SubscriptionCustomerBillingZipBilling zip code of card holder
SubscriptionCustomerEmailEmail address of card holder
SubscriptionCustomerExternalNumberThe external ID number for the card holder
SubscriptionCustomerFirstNameFirst name of card holder
SubscriptionCustomerLastNameLast name of card holder
SubscriptionCustomerMiddleNameMiddle name of card holder
SubscriptionCustomerNumberCustomer ID
SubscriptionCustomerPhonePhone number of card holder
SubscriptionCustomerPrimaryAddress1Street Address 1 of the customer record associated with a card holder
SubscriptionCustomerPrimaryAddress2Street Address 2 of the customer record associated with a card holder
SubscriptionCustomerPrimaryCityCity of the customer record associated with a card holder
SubscriptionCustomerPrimaryCountryCountry  of the customer record associated with a card holder
SubscriptionCustomerPrimaryStateState of the customer record associated with a card holder
SubscriptionCustomerPrimaryZipZip code of the customer record associated with a card holder
SubscriptionIDUnique identifier of the subscription
SubscriptionSaleChannelSource of the sales channel for the subscription
SubscriptionStatusActive - The subscription is active and will automatically renew at the end of the member's current membership term.

Cancelled - The subscription has been cancelled and will not automatically renew at the end of the current membership term. The membership itself may still be active though.

Failed - Attempted to process an auto renew for the membership but for some reason the payment failed to process.

Replaced - This subscription was replaced with another subscription. This can happen when the member manually renews their membership into another auto renew membership or if they upgrade/downgrade into a different auto renew level.

NoPaymentMethod - The member opted in to auto renew but the payment method provided failed to generate the token ACME needs to store in order to process the auto renew.
SubscriptionUpdatedOnDate subscription was last updated
SubscriptionUpdateTypeType of subscription update, i.e. Opted-in, Auto Renew, Cancelled, Replaced, New Resulted from Replace, Effective Date Change, Opted-out, etc.
SystemProcessThe ACME system automatically renews the subscription, i.e. System Process True

Note: In some cases, a Membership report may be pulling in older versions of Membership records including mailing address and other card holder information. Please contact if you are experiencing an issue retrieving the latest data for your member record.