
A Flex Pay schedule allows purchasers to pay variable amounts for tickets. Flex Pay can be useful for donations-based or pay-what-you-wish programs.

During the hours when a Flex Pay schedule is enabled, the prices on the Price List are overridden. Instead, the Point of Sale (POS) operator enters a price at the time the order is placed.

Add a Flex Pay Schedule in Backoffice

From the left side Navigation menu:

  1. Navigate to Events > Templates
  2. Locate the Template and click "Edit"
  3. Click the "Schedules and Resources" tab
  4. Locate the schedule and click "Edit" and ensure that Flex Pay is "Enabled"
  5. Click "Save & Close"
  6. Next, click the "Flex Pay" tab and click "Add New"
  7. Enter the following information:
    • Name: Enter the Flex Pay Schedule Name (e.g. "Pay What You Wish, Saturday Mornings").
    • Effective: Define the Effective Start and End dates. If your Flex Pay Schedule will occur more than once, and End Day box will appear after you configure that in Occurs. If there is no End Date, click "Indefinite".
    • Occurs: Specifies the days when your Flex Pay Schedule will take place: One-Time, Daily (if every day), Weekly (if once or more per week), or Monthly (if less than once per week). Weekly and Monthly give you further options.
    • Hours: Specifies the time space of your Flex Pay Schedule. This can be useful for General Admission schedules if the Flex Pay period is a subset of the schedule (e.g. General Admission hours are 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., with a Flex Pay period from 10:00 a.m. to Noon).
  8. Click "Create & Continue"

You can only have a single Flex Pay schedule per Event template. After you have created a Flex Pay schedule, it cannot be deleted and the only thing that can be edited is adding additional dates to the expiration date.

Flex Pay Data Considerations

It is important to understand how Flex Pay affects order data. If a Flex Pay Schedule is enabled, the payment amount will be divided equally among the tickets contained in the order, regardless of the original value of the tickets.

For example: Child tickets are normally free and Adult tickets are $6. The customer offers to pay $6 (when Flex Pay is active). A report will reflect the following:

  • The Child ticket will show $0 in the Price Field, but $3 in the Discounted Amount Field (since Flex Pay is technically considered a discount).