P: All Payments (Detail) Report

A detailed listing of all payments for a user-defined period, used by Accounting or Operations to find a specific payment transaction.

P: All Payments by Form of Payment Report

Total payments across all sales channels for a user-specified date range broken out by form of payment, used by Accounting and Operations to determine total receipts across all sale channels.

P: All Payments by Sale Channel Report

Total payments across all sales channels for a user-specified date range broken out by Sale Channel, used by Accounting and Operations to determine total receipts for each sale channel.

P: All Payments by Sale Channel and Form of Payment Report

Total payments across all sales channels for a user-specified date range broken out by sale channel and form of payment. This report is used to determine total receipts.

P: Box Office Payments (All Workstations Combined) Report

Total payments for all Point of Sale workstations for a user-specified date range broken out by form of payment. This is one of the primary daily closeout reports for the Box Office.  Use this report to determine all receipts from all Box Office workstations to prepare the daily deposit.

P: Box Office Payments by Workstation Report

All payments collected at the Point of Sale for a user-specified date range broken out by workstation and form of payment. This is one of the primary daily closeout reports for the Box Office.  Clients who assign a till to a single workstation shared by multiple users can use this report to determine receipts for each workstation.

P: Payments by User Report 

All payments collected by a specific user for a user-specified date range broken out by form of payment. Note: This report excludes Online sales as those are not associated with an internal user.


P: Refund Report (Detail)

Details of refunds given to customers during a user-specified time period, used by Accounting and Operations to review detailed information on refunds given during a period.  Normally, this report is use to investigate anomalies.

P: Refund Report (Summary - All Sale Channels) 

Details of refunds given to customers during a user-specified time period, used to show all refunds for the day from all sale channels.  This report would be included in the overall daily closing package as it captures all refund transactions at the venue.

P: Refund Report (Summary - All Box Office Only)

Details of refunds given to customers during a user-specified time period, used to show all refunds that occurred at the Box Office only. This report would be included in the daily Box Office closing packet.