R: All Revenue (Detail) Report

A detailed listing of all revenue transactions for a user-specified date range, generally used for deep analysis or to export data for use in an external system.

R: Daily Item Sales and Revenue Summary Report

Summarizes the quantity of items sold and revenue generated grouped by date for a user-specified date range, used by Accounting and Operations to record or recognize revenue based on Sale Date.

R: Daily Item Sales and Revenue by Item Type Report

Summarizes the quantity of items sold and revenue generated grouped by date and item type for a user-specified date range, used by Accounting and Operations to record or recognize revenue based on Sale Date.

R: Daily Item Sales and Revenue by Sale Channel Report

Summarizes the quantity of items sold and revenue generated grouped by date for a user-specified date range, used by Accounting and Operations to record or recognize revenue based on Sale Date.

R: Event Attendance and Revenue by Event Date Report

Total quantity of items sold and revenue generated during the user-specified date range broken up by event date. Note: this report excludes any sales not associated with an event. Used by Accounting and Operations to record or recognize attendance and event revenue based on event date.

R: Event Attendance and Revenue by Event Name Report

Total tickets sold and revenue generated during the user-specified date range broken up by event name. Note: This report only includes tickets and add-ons associated with an event. It does not include revenue from membership sales. Used by Accounting and Operations to record or recognize attendance and event revenue based on event date.

R: Event Attendance and Revenue by Event Name and Item Name Report

Total quantity of items sold and revenue generated during the user-specified date range broken up by event name and item name. Note: this report excludes any sales not associated with an event. Used by Accounting and Operations to record or recognize attendance and event revenue based on event date.

R: Item Sales and Revenue by Item Type Report

Total quantity of items sold and revenue generated during the user-specified date range broken up by order item type, used by Accounting and Operations to record or recognize revenue based on Sale Date.

R: Item Sales and Revenue by Sales Date and Item Type Report

Total quantity of items sold and revenue generated during the user-specified date range broken up by transaction data and order item type, used by Accounting and Operations to record or recognize revenue based on Sale Date.

R: Total Revenue by Sale Channel Report

Total revenue generated across all sales channels for a user-specified date range broken out by sale channel, used by Accounting and Operations to record or recognize revenue based on Sale Date.