The below reports use different reporting data sources; please see the guide to each report to see the data source used, as well as the other report parameters and output fields.

Please see Reporting on Fixed Fees for more information on how these reports are structured in order to accurately report on fixed fees.

F: ACME Fee Detail w/ Fixed Fees

This report shows all ACME fees for credit card transactions during the selected date range. The output includes date and transaction ID, and the discounted transaction amount, percent fee, fixed fee, and net transaction amount per transaction. This report defaults to run for the prior week. Because the fixed portion of the fee does not have a 1:1 relationship with any individual item, those fees must be reported on without item information in order for the data to be accurate. In order to have accurate fixed fee amounts in the output, fields related to individual item types cannot be added to this report.

F: ACME Fee Summary Report (All Fields)

This report provides a summary of ACME fees for credit card transactions during the selected date range. While the percent portion of the fee has a 1:1 relationship with each individual item, the fixed portion is assessed per transaction. Because the fixed portion of the fee does not have a 1:1 relationship with any individual item, those fees must be reported on without item information in order for the data to be accurate. 

The outputs include the month value of the date and the percentage fee, the fixed fee, and net transaction amount summarized for all transactions. This report defaults to run for the prior month. In order to have accurate fixed fee amounts in the output, fields related to individual item types cannot be added to this report.

F: ChargeBack Detail Report

This report shows all ChargeBacks during the selected date range. The output includes date and Order number; item information including Event name, Add-on name, Membership Level name, and Membership Number; transaction information, including Transaction Type, PaymentMethod, and Transaction Amount; and customer information, including Customer First Name, Customer Last Name, CustomerEmail and CustomerPhoneNumber. This report defaults to run for the prior month.