When an order is placed in ACME an email confirmation is sent to the purchaser. This is an automated process for online orders, but an ACME user can elect to send or not send this email when placing the order in ACME Backoffice or at the Point of Sale. 


Email Confirmations for Individual Orders

When completing a sale to an Individual in ACME Backoffice, there are two options for the Order Confirmation Email in Order Options section. You can choose to send the confirmation to the billing contact email, or not send an email at all. 

Email Confirmations for Organization Orders

When completing a sale to an Organization in ACME Backoffice, there are three email options. You can choose to not send an email confirmation at all, send to the payment contact only, or send to the payment contact, order contact, and primary organization contact.

Resending an Order Confirmation Email

You can easily resend the order confirmation email or send it to an alternate email address from the Order Details page. 

  1. Search for the order and click view
  2. Click on the Resend order confirmation button
  3. In the pop-up modal, confirm the prior email address for the order, or enter a new email address to send the order confirmation.
  4. Click Send Email to complete.

Please note that any additional email addresses that are entered will not be saved to the order data. In case of a typo or issue with the originally entered address, you may want to add an order note to that effect.

Checking Email Delivery Status

ACME email confirmations are powered by SendGrid, a transactional cloud platform built for very high delivery rates (98%+). However, emails can be delivered as spam for an average of 2-3% of delivered emails, which is becoming more impactful as more visitors have been shifting to purchase online.

To check on the status of an email delivery, select the Email Status tab on the order details page. This tab displays the email address to which the message was sent, the type of email sent, the status and the date/time of the email.

The following Status values may be found:

ProcessedMessage has been received and is ready to be delivered.
DeliveredMessage has been successfully delivered to the receiving server.
OpenRecipient has opened the email.
DeferredRecipient’s email server temporarily rejected message.
DroppedThe email could not be delivered as it has been marked as spam or the recipient's address is invalid.
BounceReceiving server could not or would not accept message.

FAQ and Troubleshooting

1. An email is marked as "Delivered" in Backoffice but my customer claims they never received it.

  • Ask the customer to check their spam filter. You may also need to update any links in your order confirmation footer to use a HTTPS link instead of HTTP. You may also want to recommend your customer that they add your domain or email address to their address book.

2.  An email was not delivered as blocked or bounced.

  • Contact support@acmeticketing.com with the email address as we may be able to help remove it from any bounce or block lists that may have occurred