11.35.0 Release

Production Release Date: Tuesday, April 16, 2023

Platforms: Backoffice (B2B), Online Checkout (B2C), ACME Sales (POS)*, Access Control (AC)*

Release Type: Minor

Downtime: None

Test Environments: Sandbox 10, POS Sandbox 11.35.0, AC Sandbox 11.35.0

*POS app valid through 03/04/2025, AC app valid through 04/02/2025

New Features

Access Control (AC) | Smart "Location" Scanning

We are pleased to bring you the first release of Smart “Location” Scanning - enabling you to optimize the experience for your staff at Access Control. Configure which Event Templates are valid for each Sale Terminal you sign in with at Access Control, so your staff will then see:

  • The events list smartly filtered so check-ins only happen for valid events, whether by scanning or manually checking in tickets.
  • A helpful message if they scan an event not configured for this “location” (aka sale terminal), so they can direct the guest or member to the right location.

Curious to know more about how this works? We've got you covered!

  • When logging into AC, the events list will filter to display only the events configured for that sale terminal. By default, all events will display unless customized in ACME Backoffice. If events are filtered, a helpful message displays at the bottom of the events list with the Terminal ID and Name.
  • When scanning tickets, AC will now validate against the events configured for that sale terminal. For valid events, AC will check-in tickets according to normal validation (e.g. success, too early, already scanned, etc). If the event scanned is not valid for this sale terminal, agents will see a helpful message "Ticket not valid for check-in at this location”, along with the event name and time it is valid for.
  • When manually checking in tickets, AC will smartly disable event tickets for a different location.
  • When it comes to add-ons with tickets, those associated to events will be validated just like the event tickets. Stand alone add-ons not associated to events will be able to be scanned with any sale terminal.
  • If you change the Terminal ID in the AC config area, the events list will automatically update to reflect the configured events.
  • Keyboard for Terminal ID now supports alpha characters, so you can easily log in with Terminal IDs such as "Garden" or "Parking".

Backoffice (B2B) | Configuration for Smart "Location" Scanning

For those of you that would like optimize your Access Control (AC) sale terminals to only scan for specific events, you can now configure this in Backoffice > Sale Terminals. A new column for "Valid Events" displays which events are valid, which by default is all events. Select the "All" link to choose event template(s) you'd like to set as valid.

A few things to note:

  • At this time, this feature is only for Access Control. If you use the same Terminal ID on both Access Control (AC) & ACME Sales (POS), AC will filter the events, but POS will still show all events in Order Management. As such, you may choose to make separate Terminal IDs to log in with at Access Control to distinguish these.
  • You can use the column selector to reveal Event Custom Fields and then search on these in addition to the Event Name. If you'd like to customize the visible columns, after making your changes tap any left-side navigation item (e.g. your user name) and it will save for you next time.
  • When you select just one event template, the name will show on the Sale Terminal list. If you select more than one, a count of events will show.

We have additional Improvements in the works for our next release to make management even easier for you. These include:

  • When multiple event templates are selected, we'll display these in a list prior to the selection window, so you can easily see which are configured.
  • When assigning event templates, we'll let you modify the number of event templates displayed per page.


ACME Sales (POS) | Prompt for Customer Collection

We heard you when you asked for the ability to collect customer data for every POS order by default. When it comes to credit card payments, no more relying on staff to remember to edit the billing information. We've extended the existing configuration to now allow you to "Prompt for customer collection for credit card payments in addition to $0 orders".

Configure this in the following locations:

  • Settings > Administration > Point of Sale (POS): Set this to "Yes" to default all new POS Configs to this value
  • Settings > POS Config > Settings: Be sure to set this to "Yes" as well, per POS Config that you want the prompt.

When this setting is enabled, the billing contact form will automatically open for all $0 orders as it always has. In addition, in ACME Sales 11.35.0 for orders with a payment due, the billing contact form will auto open after credit card information is collected from the card reader to help your staff remember to fill in this information. As always, the first and last name will pre-fill with the card information. Your staff can edit to then provide email, phone, and or ZIP to save a customer record with the order.

A few additional things to keep in mind:

  • This works with multiple / split payments as well! If a customer wishes to pay on separate credit cards, after completing payment on the card reader, the billing contact form will automatically open.
  • When customers tap their credit card, the name on card will not always come through, and may display something like "Valued Cardholder". Now with this feature enabled, it'll be easier to remind your staff to edit the first and last name to reflect the actual customer information.
  • For payments made by less common methods (cash, check, manual card entry, etc), remind agents that once they are done filling in the payment info, they should tap the icon to edit the billing contact. We're looking to bring an automated prompt for these payment methods in a future release.

Backoffice (B2B) | Editing Customer with active Auto Renew Subscription

When purchasing an Auto Renew membership, we require email addresses for the primary cardholder so we can send a reminder email that their membership is about to renew. This email is required for legal purposes prior to charging their card. To ensure we can send, we've buttoned up customer edit in B2B to not allow removal of the email address for a customer that is the primary cardholder on an active or pending Auto Renew membership.

Emails | Membership Cancellation with Auto Renew Subscription

We added a new customizable text variable to the membership cancellation email that displays if the cancellation was for a member with an active Auto Renew Subscription. 

  • By default this variable will read: "Your $membership.membershipLevelName membership has been canceled as you requested and will no longer automatically renew. You can always join again by visiting our website."
  • To modify this, go to Theme > Email and add the text variable "membership-autorenew-subscription-cancel" with your desired message. 


Access Control (AC) | Apple iOS Certificate

We are updating the Apple iOS certificate for the ACME Access Control (AC) application to keep it running on iOS devices. We do this to stay in compliance with Apple development requirements.

Bug Fixes

Online Checkout (B2C) | Deep Links with Member Verification via Email

Following up as promised in our 11.34.2 Release. For those of you that provide a deep link for members to verify with a redirect to the cart with an event for a specific date, if the member verifies via email, they will now be correctly redirected back to the cart for that specific date. Important for any one-time events or promotions for particular days.

Online Checkout (B2C) | GA4 & Coupons

Pay attention to details folks! This is what we told ourselves after further testing of GA4 improvements in the 11.34.0 release. Turns out when coupons were used in online checkout, the coupon value was not sent with the GA4 data. This is now working correctly and you will see the following come through the data layer in GA4:

  • In ecommerce > coupon: The coupon code(s) applied. If you support multiple coupons on an order, this will be a list of coupons applied, comma separated.
  • In the Items array > coupon: The coupon code applied to that item.

Backoffice (B2B) | Removing Coupons

Are you sure you want to remove a coupon? Super sure?? Well ok then, we've restored the functionality so you can remove coupons once more via Backoffice if they are no longer in use. This broke temporarily after the 11.34.0 Release. You can now resume your spring cleaning.

Backoffice (B2B) | Viewing Organization Contacts

When viewing the Contacts tab on Organizations that have more than 10 contacts, things got a little funky (and not in the pleasant, warm brie on a cracker kind of way). Pagination wasn't working properly to display the contacts based on the selected page size and navigating through the pages wasn't always possible. We cleaned up the Contacts tab so our standard grid is now in place, which allows you to change the pagination size, navigate through pages, view all the Contacts, and control which columns are visible.

Backoffice (B2B) | Transaction Report with Percent & Fixed Fees

A tricky bug indeed. Turns out if you modified the order contact on an order (e.g. by adding an Organization after order was placed), our code to update the transactions report mistakingly blanked out the values for the percent and fixed fees and the report failed to run if these fields were included. All fixed up now for orders going forward.

Backoffice (B2B) | Display of Special Characters

Parles-vous français? Do you have a special character in your name? After a recent display bug, these special characters will now display correctly in Backoffice.

Backoffice (B2B) | Dropdowns & Radio Button Defaults

A minor display issue was noticed on a handful of dropdown fields and radio button groups in Backoffice after the 11.33.0 Release. When not yet populated, they should show a placeholder message to help with accessibility on screen readers. We've fixed up quite a few this release, and are looking to resolve the final batch in our next release. 

Note: While these likely did not impact you, there is one that might. When editing a user, if no department is selected, you'll get an error on save. We'll fix this next release. In the meantime, either select a department or choose the placeholder "Select a department" to successfully save your user edits.

ACME Sales (POS) | Refunding a Donation

When refunding a donation at POS (by tapping donation and deleting), we noticed the refund amounts listed were sometimes inaccurate. While we hope your guests never ask to refund a donation, you can be assured that if they do, POS will reflect the correct amount to be refunded.

New and Updated Knowledge Articles

We are continuously updating and adding new articles to our Knowledge-base in the ACME Support Portal. Below are some recently added or updated articles:

Note: To ensure Backoffice updates are as seamless as possible, we recommend performing a hard refresh of your internet browser after a release is deployed. In some cases, you may also need to reset your browser's data cache including any saved cookies and related browsing data. Please contact support@acmeticketing.com if you experience any issues after a release.